donderdag 29 augustus 2013

Coin voor Peace Palace

Yesterday it was exactly 100 years ago that The Peace Palace in The Hague was inaugurated. In april of this year I was asked to design a coin for this special occasion (together with eight other artists). Unfortunately my design I made in collaboration with graphic designer Hansje van Halem wasn't chosen, but this was what I came up with.

zondag 24 februari 2013

Giardino Segreto

In May I go back to Gibellina, the city in the south of Sicily where I shot my first short film La Madre, il Figlio e l'Architetto. I want to show the film there in one of the beautiful Giardino Segreto's. There are a few in this very special town, but this one, which I like the most is an artwork, a minimal secret garden by the architect Francesco Venezia.

woensdag 23 januari 2013

La Madre in Foam

In the summer of 2012 my short film La Madre, il Figlio e l'Architetto was on show for ten weeks at Foam in Amsterdam. Together with photos from Gibellina, the city where I made this film.

photos © Christian van der Kooy