In the film l’Avventura
from Michelangelo Antonioni the main characters of the film Sandro and Claudia go
to a custom house to report the missing of their friend Anna. This scene is
shot in the beautiful and strange Villa Palagonia in Bagheria near Palermo. This building designed by Palatino, has a garden which initially populated by 200 grotesque statues - giants, dwarves, hybrids - commissioned by the villa's owner, the mad Ferdinand, Prince of Palagonia as caricatures of his wife supposed lovers. The interior of the villa was equally crazy - chairs with legs of unequal length, cushions containing hidden spikes and mirrors hung at weird angles. The cushions and chairs have gone and what is left are beautiful rooms with wall paintings all over. I visited the villa two times and this is one of the photos I made there last